English: *Work in progress*
That's a personal project. My brother-in-law is a poet and has these poems about the circus.
He's seen one of my draws about the circus and asked me to do the illustrations for him.
I loved the poems and he's left me really free to do my work.
I an really happy with the process and these two results.
That's a personal project. My brother-in-law is a poet and has these poems about the circus.
He's seen one of my draws about the circus and asked me to do the illustrations for him.
I loved the poems and he's left me really free to do my work.
I an really happy with the process and these two results.
Português: Esse é um trabalho pessoal em processo. Meu cunhado viu um desenho meu sobre circo e me contou que tinha alguns poemas sobre circo e combinamos que eu iria ilustrar. Ele me deixou muito livre e tem sido muito divertido! O projeto está caminhando a passos lentos por que ele ainda não decidiu todos os poemas que gostaria que fossem ilustrados,